
When the colon is not regularly and completely emptied, structural, functional and metabolic imbalances manifest in various forms. regular constipation causes auto-intoxication and inflammation.
Diverticular disease of the colon occurs when the diet has too much sugar and is lacking in bulk or fiber. Sugar causes colonies of parasites that paralysis the colon. Lack of fiber further complicates matters. The colonic muscle must work extremely hard to force feces through the organ. Where there is weakness in muscle fibers a hernia occurs, producing a small pouch or sac-like protrudence in the tissue. It looks like a blister on the side of a tire where the air is forcing its way to the surface through a weak spot in the tire wall.
These sacs, or diverticula, are blind in one end. Therefore feces accumulate within them and hold morbid matter in which a variety of very unfavorable organisms can begin to breed. They become sources of infection, inflammation and degenerative conditions. They are also the host for the production of powerful toxins, adding to an already over-burdened and toxic body. When these diverticula become inflamed and irritated, we have a case of diverticulitis. Should any one of these festering sacs produce a rupture, then we have a grave situation in which life is threatened by the release of these very poisonous substances into the abdominal cavity of the body where infection can spread quite rapidly.
Eating more fibre to push the feces out simply will not do.
The parasites and toxins have to be addressed.
Regularly do the full liver (and colon) flush.
Stop using sugar and starch. These feed parasites.
Drink lots of water.
Switch to a keto diet.
Go for regular Eductor1 treatments.