Interrupted Sleep

Reasons for interrupted sleep
Healthy people should sleep through the night, without waking up or lying awake. If this is not the case you may suffer from digestive issues or hormone imbalances.
Issues can be identified as follows (based on Chinese medicine):
If you struggle to sleep between 11 pm and 3 am, you have eaten fatty foods that your body cannot digest. Use Temple Foods Bile Salts with Beet regularly to boost bile and ease digestion of fat. Avoid fat until rectified.
If you struggle to sleep between 1 am and 3 am, you have eaten foods that you are allergic to. Cut the normal allergens from your diet and slowly re-introduce them to establish which foods are keeping you awake. The allergens include milk, bread, pasta, sugar, and nightshade vegetables (potato, tomato, eggplant, bell peppers, chili peppers). The nightshade vegetables can be eaten with sauerkraut to support digestion or be replaced with other vegetables. Use Temple Foods Betaine Hydrochloride with Pepsin or Temple Foods HCL + Bile with Liver Love regularly to help with digestion and heal the liver.
If you struggle to sleep between 3 am and 5 am, you are not getting enough fresh air, or you have a lung issue. If you sit in an air-conditioned office all day, take regular breaks, going out into the sun and fresh air. You may also have silent inflammation in your lungs. This may be caused by regular use of cortisone or certain anti-inflammatory drugs. Use Temple Foods Lysine-C and Nattokinase
If you struggle to sleep but there is no clear pattern, you may have hormonal imbalances or chronic inflammation. Use Temple Foods Healthy Thyroid, Lysine-C and Nattokinase

Use natural methods and products to revive the liver. This can heal OSA.