Sleep Apnea

What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)?
Sleep apnea, also spelled sleep apnoea, is a sleep disorder in which pauses in breathing or periods of shallow breathing during sleep occur more often than normal. Each pause can last for a few seconds to a few minutes and they happen many times a night. In the most common form, this follows loud snoring. There may be a choking or snorting sound as breathing resumes.
Sleep apnea is caused by Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and can be reversed.
Here are the facts:
Recent studies have demonstrated that obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is associated with the development and evolution of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), independent of obesity or other shared risk factors. Like OSA, NAFLD is a prevalent disorder associated with major adverse health outcomes: Patients with NAFLD may develop cirrhosis, liver failure, and hepatocellular carcinoma.
Headaches/Migraines is a side effect of a NAFLD.
There is some good evidence that headaches/migraines can, in fact, be associated with your liver and its health status—particularly, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which arises from chronic consumption of excess sugars.
Usually what happens is that these headaches occur when the liver is unhealthy or damaged, unable to perform its normal functions of sending us the energy we our brain and limbs need. We experience pain and fatigue as a result of the relationship between a headache and the liver.
High Cholesterol is one of the side effects of NAFLD.
The liver plays a central role in the metabolism of fats and if it is working efficiently the liver makes more of the good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) and less of the bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol). If you have a fatty liver this healthy state of affairs becomes reversed and you end up with excess levels of LDL cholesterol floating around in your circulation and this can lead to blocked and hardened arteries.
Other Side effects:
Signs and symptoms of fatty liver disease. These can include abdominal pain , abdominal breach, swollen belly , swollen legs , jaundice (yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes), and tiredness .
A liver is deemed fatty when the fat accounts for more than 5-10% of the liver's body weight. Fatty droplets accumulated in the hepatocytes compress internal cells' structures and makes it hard for them to perform their functions. Symptoms of a fatty liver may include a constant dull pain in the right upper quadrant or diffuse abdominal discomfort, dyspepsia, problems with digestion, lack of energy and chronic fatigue.
A Fatty liver can be healed.
Follow the following recipe to conquer this condition.
Immediately stop using sugar, fatty foods and refined carbohydrates (bread, pasta, pizza, etc.).
Sugar may be replaced with Stevia, Xyletol or Erythritol. Fatty foods should be avoided.
Refined carbohydrates can be replaced by brown rice, oats or pap. Instead of fatty meat, eat eggs.
Use 2 to 4 servings of BiliBoost twice daily.
Use 3 to 6 servings of LiverLove twice daily.
Use 1 serving 3 times daily of MoodControl.
The liver cannot heal while the gallbladder is not performing efficiently. Therefore BiliBoost is combined with LiverLove.
MoodControl contains ingredients to lessen sugar cravings and give energy in place of sugar.
Twice a week, in the morning on an empty stomach:
Mix 2 tablespoons olive oil, plus three tablespoons apple cider vinegar with lukewarm water.
Lie on your right side for 15 minutes. Do not eat for the next hour.
This will stimulate the liver and gallbladder.
Once a month, during full moon, do the complete liver flush.
It will kill parasites in the liver and flush all toxins out.
Parasites are most active during full moon, that is why you wait for full moon.
If the instructions are followed, the condition should clear in six to eight months.
To prevent the condition from returning, continue to limit sugar and fatty foods.
Continue using LiverLove and BiliBoost.